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Cherries aid as an inflammatory agent, which is great for arthritis, and inflammation.  They are a rich source of antioxidants, and helps to maintain your body’s balance of Ph. levels.  At the same time, Vanilla is rich in antioxidants, which prevents, and reverse skin damage caused by free radicals.  These combinations of cherries, and vanilla in our natural sea kelp will help to slow down signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.  It is widely used in the cosmetic industry for combating anti-aging.  Vanilla, also, on an even scale has been used as a traditional remedy to heal burns, wounds, and cuts.  This is why we combined these two element because it contains vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, niacin, thiamin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid, which plays major roles in the maintenance of healthy skin.  The antioxidant properties of cherries, and vanilla protects your skin from damage caused by environmental pollutants, and toxins.  The anti-bacterial properties of our Natural Cherry/Vanilla Sea Kelp makes it beneficial for the treatment of acne through its anti-bacterial effects, and helps balance your skin by reducing the occurrence of pimples.  Its anti-inflammatory properties can also soothe, and calm inflamed areas on your skin.  Our antioxidant properties work to condition, and moisturize your skin, providing hydrating effects that gives your skin the necessary nourishment skin cells needs to look healthier.  Our Natural Cherry/Vanilla Sea Kelp is hand-crafted.  We deliver to you a 100% natural, and chemically-free product to challenge all your personal care needs.  We guarantee our Natural Cherry/Vanilla Sea Kelp completely, this is why we say it's the "One Drop Miracle." 

Natural Cherry Vanilla Sea Kelp

$29.99 Regular Price
$9.99Sale Price
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